Photo of a man on a smartphone with chat bubble overlays that show a treatment plan from a licensed provider including a prescription


Amazon One Medical logo
With Amazon One Medical Pay-per-visit, you get the virtual care services you enjoyed from Amazon Clinic, including prescriptions and 24/7 on-demand care – now at lower prices.

Two options to get care with Amazon One Medical

circle with the number 1 in the middle


One-time virtual visit to treat 30+ common health conditions
circle with the number 2 in the middle


24/7 on-demand virtual care; and book in-office care at 200+ offices

Frequently asked questions

What is Amazon One Medical?
Amazon One Medical is a modern approach to medical care—allowing people to get care on their terms, on their schedule. One Medical members receive ongoing support for their healthcare needs, using the One Medical app to book in-office doctors’ appointments at locations near them, and to request 24/7 on-demand virtual care at no extra cost. Amazon One Medical Pay-per-visit gives Amazon customers the option to seek out one-time virtual visits for 30+ common conditions.
How is One Medical Membership different from Amazon One Medical Pay-per-visit? Which should I choose?
Amazon One Medical gives people two ways to get medical care: Membership and Pay-per-visit.
Membership provides on-demand virtual care nationwide for ongoing support of healthcare needs, and a differentiated primary care experience if you live near a One Medical office. One Medical members can use the One Medical app to access 24/7 on-demand virtual care at no extra cost, including Urgent Video Chats. They can also use the app to message with their providers, easily request prescription refills and renewals, access their health records and care plans, and book same and next-day appointments for remote or in-person visits. Scheduled visits are billed to you or your insurance, with most major insurance plans accepted. One Medical memberships can be purchased by Prime members for $9/mo or $99/yr for the first member and $6/mo or $66/yr for each additional family member (maximum 5). If you're not a Prime member, One Medical memberships are available at for $199/yr.
Pay-per-visit provides fast, convenient treatment for 30+ common health conditions through one-time virtual visits. With Pay-per-visit, you pay a flat, out-of-pocket fee starting from $29 for a message-only visit (not available in all states for all conditions) or $49 for a video visit. If you don’t live near a One Medical office or if you already have a primary care provider, but you need a quick, one-time virtual visit for a common condition, Pay-per-visit may be a good option for you.
*State availability varies by condition. Prices subject to change.
Can I still get on-demand treatment for my health condition?
What does this change mean for existing Amazon Clinic customers?
Existing Amazon Clinic customers can continue to start one-time virtual visits for common conditions through One Medical's Pay-per-visit service, or they can purchase a One Medical membership to get ongoing support for a broader range of healthcare needs.
What happens if I have an ongoing visit with Amazon Clinic?
You can continue your visit with your original Amazon Clinic provider group.
What happens to Amazon Clinic customer data?
I once used Amazon Clinic, but my profile is gone. How do I access my treatment plans?
If you’re not able to access your profile from a previous visit, it may mean that you declined the HIPAA authorization when you created your Amazon Clinic profile. This means that Amazon will delete or already has deleted your profile after your provider group stopped offering services on Amazon Clinic. While Amazon no longer has your profile and information, you can create a Pay-per-visit profile if you want to seek treatment. If you’re looking for your treatment plans from a previous visit, you can reach out to your treating provider group at:
Curai Health:
Can I request my Amazon Clinic data be deleted?
Yes, you can request that your Amazon Clinic data be deleted by sending an email to